Storyteller, sharing experiences

My name is Ece. I’m from Turkey, a difficult country to explain shortly.  I was born and raised in Istanbul, where I do not feel that I belong to. I prefer smaller and easier cities to live in, and that contradicts my current hometown – Nairobi. How I ended up moving here is a whole other story.
I started my education in a casual public school. In high school, I went to the Austrian school in Istanbul, which is a privilege since this school provides a strong German language education. Studying in Austria was one of the options following my graduation however my 19-year old version did not find Austria exciting enough, mostly because of its cold weather and renowned challenging university education. I was always a successful student so I got a good degree at the university entry exams in Turkey and went to Koc University with a full scholarship. I believe that scholarship made me lazy during the rest of my student life.Â
I studied sociology. Sociology studies broadened my perspective and made me more enthusiastic about traveling and seeing different parts of the World. The first big step I could take was to go on exchange to Mexico! That was 2012, and I was 21. Honestly, I was feeling very much like a grown-up back then. Now I sometimes think that I am still not grown-up enough. Long story short, following Mexico, I made another semester in Spain. I learned Spanish – meaning I seriously speak fluently. However, the school was not finished and I had to come back to my hometown to complete it.Â
I graduated in June 2015 and immediately found a job in marketing in hospitality, in the sector that I was dreaming of creating my own business one day. I wanted to work abroad, however, it is not easy to find a job abroad when you are a fresh graduate. So, I knew that my first job in Istanbul was going to be my ticket to the next job abroad, which I happened to find at the beginning of 2018! The first job I found abroad was in Muscat, Oman -Â Â a beautiful and not very well-known country. Frankly, I did not think too long to take it.
So one journey brought another and I ended up moving to Kenya just in March 2019. I met Felix three months after I moved to Muscat. Things escalated quickly indeed. He got promoted within the same company but to work in Kenya. I have to admit at this point that I was not very happy at my work. Therefore, it was fairly an easy decision to quit and move to Nairobi with this great guy, for a happy future. :)Â Though another confession, I had many questions about Kenya in mind, those had to be responded in time once I moved here.
And what do I do now? First months I felt somehow lost in my decisions while still enjoying this big change. Being unemployed was not the best feeling. However, I refused to work in another company that will make me unsatisfied. So I waited. And after six months, I found a very exciting project in the sector I know well: hospitality! So, now I am working on opening my first restaurant from scratch! All is in the making, so no more spoilers!
Oh, and why I write this blog? Not because I feel as if I am unique or very different. But because I want to leave some marks behind, like everybody else.Â
I want to remember all.